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From this article you’ll know how to view Instagram without an account, and also how to find someone on Instagram without logging in. We will tell you about the limits for unauthorized users on the social network. At the end, we will give answers to frequently asked questions on the topic. The answers are in the One-line section.

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Limits for viewing a profile

Let’s start with some theory, this information is really important. Instagram limits unauthorized users. After watching several posts, they see a pop-up window calling to sign up, which can’t be closed.

You can view up to 30 latest photos. Then, when you scroll the page down, you see the appearing window “Log in to continue”.

Here are two solutions:

Create an IG account and see the pages without limits.

Refresh the page and hope you’ll have enough time to scroll the page to the post you need after that.

Important: you won’t scroll the whole profile page even if you refresh it every 5 seconds. Unless there are only 30 posts on the page.

View Instagram publications using a web browser

Now let’s go to the practical part of the article: see how to browse users’ profile pages without creating an Instagram account. Using a website version, you can see posts, Reels and IGTV. It’s not difficult: first I’ll show how to look at Instagram without an account from a computer, then from a phone.

From a computer

Open a web browser: Google Chrome, Safari, or Edge — whatever you like. Then you type the link of an account in the address box. The URL should be of the following form:

Instead of “username” you put the username of a person whose page you want to see.

A prime example: I want to check my own account when being not authorized. My profile address is I type the URL in the address box and press “Enter”.

Now I can view Instagram without logging in. But remember about the limits from the first part of the article.

You can’t click a post and open it from a profile page as you do when you are authorized. But there is a trick, open it in a new tab to view. You can also watch IGTV videos this way.

Click a post with the right mouse button.

Choose the Open link in the new tab.

Tap a Reel to watch it. You don’t have to open it in a new tab.

From a phone

To view Instagram without an account from a phone, you need a browser again. The official app is not an option. You have to log in to see a profile.

If you are automatically directed to a logging-in page, try to browse Instagram profile pages in the Incognito mode.

Open a browser and type a profile link in the address box. What browser you use doesn’t matter: Chrome, Safari, or any other will work.

After you follow the link, you see the person’s page. Now you can look at their last posts, there may even be pinned posts on the Instagram page.

You can see only several last posts due to the limits.

You can also open a post or IGTV from a mobile browser to see them in full size.

Long tap a post from a profile page.

Choose Open in the new tab.

Reels are opened in a mobile browser from a computer. Just tap it, no new tab is required.

Instagram Stories are even easier to view without an account. Just tap the user’s profile picture. You will see what they posted, and you can even screenshot these stories without them knowing.

Mobile Number and Address Details

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Instagram Password Recovery

How to see Instagram Stories and posts without logging in

You can view Stories without an Instagram account too. Use online services for this purpose. For example,

It’s simple and it’s free. It doesn’t even require signing up. You can use the service both from a phone and a computer.

Here is how you can watch someone’s Stories on Instagram without logging in:

Enter a username in the box.

Tap Search.

You’ll see an interface similar to Instagram’s. Switch between the tabs to see different content. You can see Instagram Stories, posts, Highlights, and Reels without an account. If you want, you can also save them.

Find people on Instagram without an account

To find someone on Instagram without logging in, open any social network page from a computer. It may be your friend’s page, or relative’s profile — doesn’t matter. Just don’t open the main page. There you have to sign up or log in.

At the top of the interface, there is an Instagram search bar. Type the information to perform a search there: name, last name, or username.

You can also search by a description: for example, a coffee shop. Available coffee shops’ accounts appear on the list immediately.

Check a link in the Instagram account bio to see more

You can’t view someone’s Instagram Stories or posts without an account, but you can see their bio. If there is a link, follow it. It may lead to the user’s link in the bio page. It is a kind of About Me page, where you may find enough to finish your search.

Such link in bio pages usually have information about the user, their photos, and videos, there also can be posts from Instagram. Besides, there are links to the profiles on other platforms. Follow them to see more. People often repost their content to other socials.

And what about you? Don’t have your Instagram link on your bio page yet? Don’t miss out! Create it in a few minutes using a template. For example, here are templates of the pages above, they are available after a quick sign-up:

One-line answers to commonly asked questions

Now you know how to view Instagram without an account. But you probably still have some questions. So we’ll briefly answer the most popular of them.

Can I see private profiles without logging in?

No, you can’t. You need to create an account and request following the profile. When the account owner confirms it, you can see their Instagram posts.

Can you bypass the limits for unauthorized users?

No, you can scroll the feed without limits only when you’re logged in.

How do I watch Lives on Instagram without login?

There is no way you can watch Instagram Lives without an account. You have to log in.

You might also be interested in 4+ ways to see private Instagram accounts.

The bottom line

All these methods allow you to see an Instagram profile if you don’t have an account or want to view them privately. If you do it because of losing access to your account, read how to recover it. Use a browser or an online service to look at a profile without login. You can do it both from a computer or a phone.

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