GS Pay Scale 2024 – If you want to learn about the GS Pay Scale USA 2024 (GS 1 to GS 15), the General Schedule Pay Table with Locality, GS Pay Scale 2024, GS Pay Raise, Proposed Increase, Schedule, Pay Table and other related topics, stay on this page and read the complete article.
GS Pay Scale USA 2024
The GS Pay Scale is the primary pay scale in the US civil service, accounting for over one-third of all federal civilian employees. White-collar workers in technical, administrative, professional, and clerical positions are included. The GS pay scale was initially designed to maintain federal compensation comparable to private sector occupations. Until now, it has done a fantastic job of closing wage inequities between men, women, and minorities and ensuring equal compensation for equal labor.
There are 15 grades in the General Schedule: GS-1, GS-2, GS-3,……….., GS-14, GS-15. The lowest grade is GS-1, while the highest grade is GS-15. Each grade is further subdivided into ten steps. The agency grades each position based on the amount of difficulty, responsibility, and competencies necessary.
As you may be aware, the Biden administration recommended a 5.2% increase in federal pay in March, whereas Congress proposed an 8.7% increase. President Biden also published an alternate compensation plan letter for the 2024 federal wage increase. Although the wage increase has yet to be approved, the final decision will be made before the deadline of November 17th.
The government pay increase for 2024 is nearing completion. The Office of Personal Management will issue a copy of the 2024 General Schedule pay tables, including the General Schedule Pay Table With Locality after the statistics are completed. This should have happened in December, and the new GS pay scale will take effect in January 2024.
GS Basic Pay Scale 2024
The GS pay scale is divided into two parts: base salary and a local pay adjustment. The GS Basic Pay Scale 2024 is shown in the table below.
Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
GS-1 | $20,999 | $21,704 | $22,401 | $23,097 | $23,794 | $24,202 | $24,893 | $25,589 | $25,617 | $26,273 |
GS-2 | $23,612 | $24,174 | $24,956 | $25,617 | $25,906 | $26,668 | $27,430 | $28,192 | $28,954 | $29,716 |
GS-3 | $25,764 | $26,623 | $27,482 | $28,341 | $29,200 | $30,059 | $30,918 | $31,777 | $32,636 | $33,495 |
GS-4 | $28,921 | $29,885 | $30,849 | $31,813 | $32,777 | $33,741 | $34,705 | $35,669 | $36,633 | $37,597 |
GS-5 | $32,357 | $33,436 | $34,515 | $35,594 | $36,673 | $37,752 | $38,831 | $39,910 | $40,989 | $42,068 |
GS-6 | $36,070 | $37,272 | $38,474 | $39,676 | $40,878 | $42,080 | $43,282 | $44,484 | $45,686 | $46,888 |
GS-7 | $40,082 | $41,418 | $42,754 | $44,090 | $45,426 | $46,762 | $48,098 | $49,434 | $50,770 | $52,106 |
GS-8 | $44,389 | $45,869 | $47,349 | $48,829 | $50,309 | $51,789 | $53,269 | $54,749 | $56,229 | $57,709 |
GS-9 | $49,028 | $50,662 | $52,296 | $53,930 | $55,564 | $57,198 | $58,832 | $60,466 | $62,100 | $63,734 |
GS-10 | $53,990 | $55,790 | $57,590 | $59,390 | $61,190 | $62,990 | $64,790 | $66,590 | $68,390 | $70,190 |
GS-11 | $59,319 | $61,296 | $63,273 | $65,250 | $67,227 | $69,204 | $71,181 | $73,158 | $75,135 | $77,112 |
GS-12 | $71,099 | $73,469 | $75,839 | $78,209 | $80,579 | $82,949 | $85,319 | $87,689 | $90,059 | $92,429 |
GS-13 | $84,546 | $87,364 | $90,182 | $93,000 | $95,818 | $98,636 | $101,454 | $104,272 | $107,090 | $109,908 |
GS-14 | $99,908 | $103,238 | $106,568 | $109,898 | $113,228 | $116,558 | $119,888 | $123,218 | $126,548 | $129,878 |
GS-15 | $117,518 | $121,435 | $125,352 | $129,269 | $133,186 | $137,103 | $141,020 | $144,937 | $148,854 | $152,771 |
GS Pay Scale Raise 2024 (Estimated)
If the 5.2% pay increase is approved, it will be divided into 4.7$ for basic pay and 0.5% for locality pay areas. Based on this, the table of basic pay rates presented below provides a projected GS Pay scale for 2024.
Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
GS-1 | $21986 | $22724 | $23454 | $24182 | $24912 | $25340 | $26063 | $26791 | $26821 | $27503 |
GS-2 | $24722 | $25310 | $26129 | $26821 | $27124 | $27922 | $28720 | $29517 | $30315 | $31113 |
GS-3 | $26975 | $27874 | $28773 | $29672 | $30571 | $31471 | $32370 | $33269 | $34168 | $35067 |
GS-4 | $30280 | $31290 | $32299 | $33308 | $34317 | $35327 | $36336 | $37345 | $38355 | $39364 |
GS-5 | $33878 | $35007 | $36137 | $37266 | $38395 | $39524 | $40653 | $41782 | $42912 | $44041 |
GS-6 | $37765 | $39024 | $40283 | $41541 | $42800 | $44059 | $45318 | $46577 | $47836 | $49095 |
GS-7 | $41965 | $43364 | $44762 | $46161 | $47559 | $48957 | $50356 | $51754 | $53152 | $54551 |
GS-8 | $46476 | $48024 | $49573 | $51122 | $52671 | $54220 | $55768 | $57317 | $58866 | $60415 |
GS-9 | $51332 | $53043 | $54755 | $56466 | $58177 | $59888 | $61599 | $63311 | $65022 | $66733 |
GS-10 | $56528 | $58412 | $60297 | $62181 | $64066 | $65950 | $67835 | $69719 | $71604 | $73488 |
GS-11 | $62107 | $64177 | $66247 | $68317 | $70386 | $72456 | $74526 | $76596 | $78665 | $80735 |
GS-12 | $74441 | $76923 | $79404 | $81886 | $84368 | $86850 | $89332 | $91813 | $94295 | $96777 |
GS-13 | $88520 | $91470 | $94420 | $97371 | $100321 | $103272 | $106222 | $109173 | $112123 | $115073 |
GS-14 | $104604 | $108090 | $111577 | $115064 | $118550 | $122037 | $125524 | $129010 | $132497 | $135984 |
GS-15 | $123042 | $127143 | $131245 | $135346 | $139447 | $143549 | $147650 | $151752 | $155853 | $159,954 |
The GS basic pay schedule is typically updated annually in January with an across-the-board federal pay rise based on changes in the cost of wages and salaries in the private sector.
General Schedule Pay Table With Locality
The bottom 48 states, Washington, DC, Alaska, Hawaii, and US territories and possessions are all included in the current more than 40 locality pay regions. The entire states of Alaska and Hawaii are covered by two locality pay areas, whereas the rest of the United States, including its territories and possessions, is covered by the catch-all Rest of the United States (RUS) locality pay area.
The bulk of locality pay areas include big urban centers like Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, DC. Foreign-based GS employees are not eligible for locality pay. The President and Congress have the authority to change the usually applicable locale pay adjustments as well as the overall pay adjustments.
Most GS personnel are also eligible for locality pay, which is a geography-based percentage rate that mirrors pay levels for non-federal employees in various geographic areas as defined by US Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys.
The following formula is used to calculate total pay with locality:
- Total pay = Locality% (Base pay) +Base Pay
- Total pay = Base pay x(1+ Locality %)
Click here to view the 2024 General Schedule Pay Table With Locality. We will also include the 2024 GS Pay Table with Locality as soon as OPM makes it available.
General Schedule Classification and Pay
As previously indicated, the GS pay scale covers 71% of the workforce or around 1.5 million people worldwide. The designated authority that manages the GS classification standards, qualifications, pay structure, and related human policies is the Office of Personal Management (OPM). Every agency is expected to classify its GS jobs and to appoint and pay individuals who fill those positions following OPM criteria.
GS-1 to GS-7 grades generally represent entry-level roles, GS-8 to GS-12 grades represent mid-level positions, and GS-13 to GS-15 grades represent top-level employment.
The following are the educational backgrounds for the GS grades:
- Positions at GS-2 – a high school diploma and no additional experience.
- GS-5 vacancies – A bachelor’s degree is required.
- GS-9 openings – A Master’s degree is required.
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